A few days ago, DAZ3D decided to give all the base figures that they owned for free. DAZ
figures are divided in Generations, so that the figures of the same generation have common
Generation 1/2
Victoria, Michael and Stephanie also have Reduced Resolution versions.
Victoria 2: realistic human adult female, uses the same geometry than Victoria 1 (not
included in the offer, but almost everything for Victoria 1 should fit V2 without problems)
Michael 2: realistic human adult male, uses the same geometry than Michael 1 (not included
in the offer, but almost everything for Michael 1 should fit M2 without problems)
Stephanie: realistic human female, developed from Michael geometry, can use most clothes
from Victoria with some adjustments.
Aiko: anime human adult female, based on Stephanie. It has also a male morph.
Millenium Boys: realistic human male preschool and preteen.
Millenium Girls: realistic human female preschool and preteen
Millenium Baby: realistic human baby
Generation 3
All G3 figures shares the same mapping. V3 and M3 has reduced resolution Versions.
Victoria 3: realistic human adult female, for years she was DAZ flagship
Michael 3: realistic human adult male
Aiko 3: anime female, still one of the most widely used models.
Hiro: anime male
Stephanie Petite: realistic human adult female. Developed to be a more normal alternative to
the superheroine/supermodel physique of V3.
David: realistic human adult male. Less buff than M3
Freak: a "realistic" human male which can be used as an ogre, a giant, or Hulk
She-Freak 2: "musclewoman" morph for V3
The Girl: Cartoon female
Millenium Kids Young Teens: Luke and Laura, male and female realistic teenagers
Millenium Kids Preschoolers: Matt and maddie, male and female realistic children
Millenium Baby 3: another realistic baby
Generation 4:
Victoria 4.2: realistic human adult female, current DAZ flagship
Michael 4: realistic human adult male
Aiko 4: anime morphs for V4.2
Hiro 4: anime morphs for M4
Girl 4: cartoon morphs for V4.2
Freak 4: "muscleman" morph for M4, has the same uses than the original Freak
She-Freak 4: "musclewoman" morph for V4.2
You can find all of them in:
By he way if you use the voucher SPREADTHEWORD5 before February 1st you have 5$ to spend in anything you like.